Tuesday, May 27, 2008


For those of you that know me, you understand that of all the adjectives that have been used to describe me, "quiet" is not one of them.

I'm loud. I'm an outside processor. I typically have something to say about most everything. I'm a go-goer. I'm constantly on the move. It is hard for me to be still. It is hard for me to be quiet.

Then today, I had to take some music books into the sanctuary of my church. It is a rainy day here and kind of dreary outside. The sanctuary was darkened, warm, stuffy... and quiet.

I realize that it is just a room, but I cannot help but feel God there. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of Sunday morning it is difficult me to feel Him. Sometimes in the greeting and smiling and singing and dealing with sound issues it is easy to overlook him.

But not today.

As I sat in our quiet and still and darkened sanctuary staring at empty pews, I was reminded of his presence. Of how without him our church is destined to fail. In those moments, I was reminded of a verse of scripture.

Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

I am reminded that I need to take time out of my day and find some time with Jesus by myself where it is quiet. I need to find some rest in Him. The sanctuary of my church this afternoon was the direct opposite of our office which was busy, loud, and bright. More than likely it is the direct opposite of where you work or go to school, but I want to encourage you. Take some time today and find a quiet spot.

Because it is in the quiet spots that we find Jesus.

1 comment:

BlakesMom said...

I totally get how you feel. When I was a teenager I use to take piano lessons and I would go to our church to practice. While I was there alone I could feel Gods presence. It was like His hands were on top of mine helping me press the ivory. HOW AWSOME! I can remember going to the church to play not because I needed to practice but just because I wanted to feel that feeling. There was nothing like it.