In this particular article, David Stockin claims a good number of things based on scripture taken out of context. Before we begin, let’s take a look at how he supports his claim that “Jesus is against marriage (with anyone).”
(note: The statements below are summations of the points made in an article titled, “The Top 10 Shocking Things Christians Don’t Know about the Bible.” written by a self proclaimed atheist named David Stockin. The statements numbered below are not mine, and, in my opinion, are great examples of eisegesis (reading into scripture your particular point of view) and poor hermeneutics (biblical interpretation).)
1. No where in the Old and New Testaments aside from Genesis 2:24 do we find any passage supportive of marriage.
2. The marriage at Cana isn’t a good text to argue Jesus’ support of marriage, because all the account in scripture says is that he stopped by the party to have some wine and berate his mother. He didn’t even attend the ceremony.
3. Jesus commands his followers to abandon their wives and children to follow him (Matthew 19:29; Mark 10:28-30; Luke 9:57-62.)
4. Jesus gives instructions on how to divorce your wife. (Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:8)
5. Paul orders Christians to not get married (1 Corinthians 7:27)
6. Jesus praises those who have made themselves Eunuchs (Matthew 19:10-13)
7. Jesus gives instructions on murdering and beating children (Matthew 15:4-7; Mark 7:9-10)
8. Jesus endorses the beating of slaves (Luke 12:47)
9. Jesus says that he has come to destroy families (Matthew 10:21 and 10:34)
10. Matthew chapter 10 is full of malicious talk about the family and marriage.
11. Matthew 10 also instructs Christians to become martyrs in the same way that the Koran instructs Muslims.
Now, there are many problems with this claims, and one post would be too long to deal with each of them together, so we will take a look at one or two at a time, so that we can work through his arguments in an orderly manner.
The first installment will be later today.
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