Tuesday, October 08, 2013

The Ghost

I don't like scary movies.  I won't even watch the trailers for the scary movies that they preview at the theaters.  I don't understand people that make or watch the television shows chronicling the haunted histories of Civil War battlefields, or 19th century hotels.  And on the rare occasions when I find myself camping in the woods around a campfire, I absolutely detest the person that puts a flashlight up to their face and begins to tell ghost stories... about events they portray as real... in THESE VERY WOODS!

So you can imagine my anxiety when, as a child, I came to church and sang songs about the Holy Ghost.  Even after the terminology changed, and the name "Holy Ghost" was replaced with the less-intimidating "Holy Spirit," I was uncomfortable by the idea of God dwelling in me.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it.  Maybe its because I'm a control freak and the Holy Spirit is uncontrollable.  Maybe its because I like a fair amount of predictability in my life and the Holy Spirit is rather unpredictable.  Either way, uncomfortable is the best way to describe my emotions for a good portion of my life.

And I don't think I'm alone.  As I have prepared for the current sermon series that we are in at FBCH I have talked with a good number of people that are quite unaware of or mistaken by the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives... and that makes them just a little bit uncomfortable.

And that is why we are embarking on this 4 week journey.  (As if the depths of the Holy Spirit can be uncovered in a matter of weeks!)  Regardless of the seeming futility, we are going to see if we can't uncover some truths and correct some untruths regarding the Holy Spirit's role in our wold and lives.  If you would like to listen to the sermon series as we progress, you can download audio here.  If you would like to watch the services either streaming live (Sunday mornings at 8am and 10:30am) or on recorded video click here.

So why the web entry?  As I was preparing for this series, I came to the realization that the Bible has much to say about the Holy Spirit-- much more than I will say over the course of a 4 week series.  I also became aware of how difficult it was to find a good comprehensive look at the scriptures discussing the Spirit.  So, I'm going to provide you some resources over the next few weeks.  Beginning with what the Bible has to say about the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit:

Who is the Holy Spirit
1)       The Holy Spirit is completely God
a.       Matthew 28:19
b.      Acts 5:3-4
c.       1 Corinthians 3:16
d.      Is omnipresent
                                                                           i.      Psalm 139:7-8
e.      Is omniscient
                                                                           i.      1 Corinthians 2:10-11
What does the Holy Spirit do?
1)      Plays a role in creation
a.       Genesis 1:2—The Spirit of God hovers over the face of the deep
b.      Job 33:4—Elihu says...
2)      Directs God’s salvation history
a.       Acts in conjunction with  Jesus Christ—
                                                                           i.      Matthew 1:18-20—conception
                                                                         ii.      Luke 3:22
                                                                        iii.      John 1:33
b.      Directs the words and actions of God’s people
                                                                           i.      Mark 12:36
                                                                         ii.      Mark 13:11
                                                                        iii.      Luke 1:67
                                                                       iv.      Luke 4:1
                                                                         v.      Luke 10:21
                                                                       vi.      Luke 12:12
                                                                      vii.      Acts 1:2
                                                                    viii.      Acts 4:8
                                                                       ix.      Acts 4:25
                                                                         x.      Acts 13:2
                                                                       xi.      Acts 13:4
                                                                      xii.      Acts 15:28
                                                                    xiii.      Acts 16:6
                                                                    xiv.      Acts 19:6
c.       Plays a role in the salvation of the lost by filling believers
                                                                           i.      Matthew 3:1
                                                                         ii.      Mark 1:8
                                                                        iii.      Luke 1:15
                                                                       iv.      Luke 1:41
                                                                         v.      Luke 1:67
                                                                       vi.      Luke 2:25
                                                                      vii.      Luke 3:16
                                                                    viii.      Luke 11:13
                                                                       ix.      John 20:22
                                                                         x.      Acts 1:5
                                                                       xi.      Acts 2:38
                                                                      xii.      Acts 4:8
                                                                    xiii.      Acts 4:31
                                                                    xiv.      Acts 5:32
                                                                     xv.      Acts 6:5
                                                                    xvi.      Acts 7:55
                                                                  xvii.      Acts 8:15,17
                                                                 xviii.      Acts 9:17
                                                                    xix.      Acts 10:44,45,47
                                                                     xx.      Acts 11:24
                                                                    xxi.      Acts 13:8, 52
                                                                  xxii.      Acts 15:8
                                                                 xxiii.      Acts 19:2
                                                                xxiv.      Romans 15:16
                                                                  xxv.      Acts 11:15—Refilled?
                                                                xxvi.      Acts 13:9, 52—Refilled?
                                                               xxvii.      1 Corinthians 6:19
3)      Works in the Life of the Believer
a.       Encouragement
                                                                           i.      Acts 9:31
b.      Comforts
                                                                           i.      John 14:26
c.       Convicts
                                                                           i.      John 16:7-8
d.      Intercedes on our behalf
                                                                           i.      Romans 8:26-27
e.      Reveals God’s plan and reminds us of his words
                                                                           i.      Luke 2:26
                                                                         ii.      John 14:26
                                                                        iii.      Acts 1:16
                                                                       iv.      Acts 20:23
                                                                         v.      Ephesians 3:5
f.        Gives power and spiritual gifts for accomplishing God’s Work
                                                                           i.      Acts 1:8
                                                                         ii.      Acts 2:4
                                                                        iii.      Acts 2:33
                                                                       iv.      Acts 10:38
                                                                         v.      Acts 20:28
                                                                       vi.      1 Thess 1:5
                                                                      vii.      Hebrews 2:4

So take comfort:  1 John 4:4  Greater is he who is in us….

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