Wednesday, November 06, 2013


On Wednesday nights at FBCH we have been teaching through the book of Amos.  As I was re-familiarizing myself with the text this week I noticed Amos interceding on behalf of Israel in chapter 7.
"O Lord, please forgive!  How can Jacob stand?  He is so small!"  Amos 7:2b
"O Lord, please cease!  How can Jacob stand?  He is so small!  Amos 7:5
Even more remarkable, God honors the intercession of Amos and relents.


But when you start to think about it, prophets often beg for mercy on behalf of God's people.
Moses does in Exodus 32:11 and Numbers 14:11-20
Jeremiah does in Jeremiah 15:1 and 18:20
Ezekiel does in Ezekiel 9:8
Daniel does in Daniel 9:15-19
Jesus intercedes for those who are killing him in Luke 22:34
And Paul tells us that even when we don't know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf Romans 8:26-27

God desires for us to come to him with the desires of our hearts.  To plead for the hearts and lives of those that are around us.  To beg for mercy for those that don't deserve it, or have not earned it.

And the Bible gives reason to believe that God hears and responds to our prayers.  Just check out these verses:

Amos 7:6; Genesis 18:22-32; Numbers 14:11-20; Joshua 7:6-13; 2 Kings 22:19-20; Ps 106:45; Jeremiah 18:1-16, 26:3, 13, 19; and Jonah 3:10

I am amazed that we have the privilege of going to God with our intercessions.  I am blown away that he hears our prayers and responds to them!

Have you ever wondered why we don't intercede more than we do?  We have a God who modeled intercession (Jesus); actively intercedes (The Holy Spirit); and responds to our prayers!


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