Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last night

So I had a small setback last night. After they put me on liquids I had some chicken broth and some Jello washed down with some Ginger Ale and water. I know it doesn't sound that appealing but after not eating for 5 days anything short of goat urine is going to be incredible.

They removed my liquid nutrition and unhooked me from all fluids so I could take a walk. After walking all over the clinical center with mom, I got back to the room... I was exhausted. Apparently, because I wasn't receiving the same fluids and nutrition as I had for the previous few days, my blood sugar and electrolytes bottomed out and I went to sleep around 8pm EST. Sorry for those of you who wanted to speak with me on the phone last night, I was out of it. Around 10pm EST they hooked me back up to fluids (not nutrition, just some lactated ringers) and this morning I feel much better. I'm ordering chocolate pudding, chocolate boost, and skim milk for breakfast. We'll see how my system handles dairy. The resident came in this morning and told me that if I can tolerate more food today that perhaps tomorrow or Friday I may get to come home. We're still praying that my doctor will consider sending me home today.

My pancreatic numbers are not back yet, today. This morning the samples they drew were contaminated (again), so they have to redraw the labs. The nurse just came in to do that right now.

Pray the numbers are decreased even after some food yesterday. Pray my system handles more food today. Pray I can come home to you all soon.

I love you all!


David and LaClaire said...


We are praying that you come home soon all well and happy.. Even if you are a little hungry. We miss your smiling face.

We agree with Jerry MC.. Send in HOUSE he can figure it out..

Anonymous said...

Prayer and chocolate will cure anything!!!!

Kim Galloway