Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thoughts from 30 Thousand Feet

It is amazing how different the world looks from 6 miles up in the air.  My flight was delayed out of Baltimore, and although I’m disappointed I’m not at home right now with my three girls, I am currently observing a sunset that I would have missed had my flight been on time.

Romans 8 tells us that all of creation groans in anticipation of Jesus.  All of the created order is longing for a day when the curse of sin is lifted and all is restored to perfect harmony… the way it was intended in the beginning.

Looking at the magnificence of God’s creation from 30 thousand feet, it is hard to comprehend how much more perfect, how much more beautiful the New Earth will be.  I’m so thankful that I will get to see it.  Along with the rest of creation, I look forward to the day when I will see my savior face to face.

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